Westside Baptist Church was planted in 1978 in the town of Boynton Beach, Florida. It was acquired from the Boynton Baptist Temple with the support of the Florida Baptist Convention. The Church was initially called the Westside Baptist Chapel and later changed its name to Westside Baptist Church. The founding Pastor was Pastor Ben “Bro. Ben” Tidwell.
The first service started October 1, 1978, and 19 people were present that Sunday morning in the metal building we now call our Fellowship Hall. By 1980, the Church grew to 207 Charter members.
By 1985, our Childcare Development Center (CDC) was established in the Fellowship Hall with 39 children enrolled, providing outreach to our families in the community.
In 1986, Westside Baptist Church needed both a larger sanctuary and a larger CDC facility. Westside members agreed to move forward and build a larger church as well as a new CDC building because the facilities that they had were limiting growth. In 1988, the ground breaking of the new sanctuary and the CDC building began. In 1989, the new CDC facility was completed and opened with an enrollment of 114 children.
In March 1990, Pastor Ben Tidwell, our founding Pastor was called home to the Lord during the morning service while the choir sang “How Great Thou Art.” One week later, services began in the new sanctuary.
Pastor Ben Tidwell left Westside Baptist Church a legacy that is being continued by our current leader, Pastor Manny Barahona. It is the legacy of loving God and loving our neighbors, and we will stay on that mission.